
Vol.16 コーディネートを引き立てる主役のエメラルドグリーン

Vol.16 The striking neon green of this emerald ...

ルビー、ダイヤモンド、サファイアと並び、世界四大宝石の一つとして名高いエメラルド。 グリーンの石といえば、誰しもが真っ先にエメラルドを思い浮かべるでしょう。その鮮烈に際立つネオングリーンは、あのクレオパトラも愛用していたと言われており、古代から多くの人を夢中にさせてきました。

Vol.16 The striking neon green of this emerald ...

ルビー、ダイヤモンド、サファイアと並び、世界四大宝石の一つとして名高いエメラルド。 グリーンの石といえば、誰しもが真っ先にエメラルドを思い浮かべるでしょう。その鮮烈に際立つネオングリーンは、あのクレオパトラも愛用していたと言われており、古代から多くの人を夢中にさせてきました。

Vol.15 "一生物のエンゲージリング"&"アニバーサリー"に迎える1点物エメラルド

Vol.15 "A lifetime engagement ring" & a one...

The stone meaning of emerald is "happiness" and "sincerity . " For those who are having trouble choosing an engagement ring, we will introduce a unique emerald ring that can...

Vol.15 "A lifetime engagement ring" & a one...

The stone meaning of emerald is "happiness" and "sincerity . " For those who are having trouble choosing an engagement ring, we will introduce a unique emerald ring that can...

Vol.14 新年にお迎えしたい!お守りジュエリーで運を味方に

Vol.14 Welcome the New Year with lucky charm je...

A happy start to the new year. It will lift your spirits for a new start in 2025. Why not choose a piece of personal jewelry that acts as a...

Vol.14 Welcome the New Year with lucky charm je...

A happy start to the new year. It will lift your spirits for a new start in 2025. Why not choose a piece of personal jewelry that acts as a...

Vol.13 HOLIDAY GIFT特集 / 予算で選ぶ、プライス別ご褒美ジュエリー

Vol.13 HOLIDAY GIFT Special / Reward jewelry by...

An exciting and glittering holiday season. To close out this year, A special gift for a loved one or as a treat for yourself. We will introduce products by price...

Vol.13 HOLIDAY GIFT Special / Reward jewelry by...

An exciting and glittering holiday season. To close out this year, A special gift for a loved one or as a treat for yourself. We will introduce products by price...

Vol.12 HOLIDAY GIFT特集 / MONAKAで贈るおすすめの定番ペアピアス

Vol.12 HOLIDAY GIFT Special / Recommended pair ...

For those considering earrings, we recommend pair earrings, which can be easily coordinated with other items.

Vol.12 HOLIDAY GIFT Special / Recommended pair ...

For those considering earrings, we recommend pair earrings, which can be easily coordinated with other items.

Vol.11 HOLIDAY GIFT特集 / デイリーユーズに輝くダイアモンド

Vol.11 MOANAKA HOLIDAY GIFT / Wear diamonds for...

As we look back on the year and enjoy the festive holiday season, Diamonds are the perfect gift for yourself or your special partner.

Vol.11 MOANAKA HOLIDAY GIFT / Wear diamonds for...

As we look back on the year and enjoy the festive holiday season, Diamonds are the perfect gift for yourself or your special partner.