Collection: December Tanzanite/Lapis Lazuli/Turquoise/Zircon

December's birthstones are Tanzanite, Lapis Lazuli, Turquoise, and Zircon. Tanzanite, named after the sky at dusk in Tanzania. Lapis Lazuli, like the tranquil night sky. Turquoise, with its refreshing feel, as if reflecting a clear blue sky. Zircon, with its chic appearance. Although they are all called blue, there are many different shades of blue natural stones with different transparencies.
Tanzanite stone meaning "Calm-headed" "Proud person"
The stone word for lapis lazuli is "Truth" "Sublime"
Turquoise stone meaning is "Good luck" "Safe travels"
Zircon's stone meaning is "Vitality" "peace"
12月 Tanzanite/Lapis Lazuli/Turquoise/Zircone